Thursday, March 20, 2008

Our day in DC.

I went to the Air and Space Museum with my Mommy's friend and her kids. The boy was Brandon and there were other boys too. They had airplanes and I went in some. I had a happy meal with a airplane toy. Mommy let me have orange soda, like the other guys. I only get milk sometimes. And I got fries, too, not apple slices. The airplane can light up and spin. But, Brandon was being bad to me. Then, he was good. It was so windy and we had to walk to see where the President lives and we walked backwards because it was too much wind. We rode on the metro train and I want a train for my birthday. We had to walk home because Daddy forgot to leave the keys.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I'm glad you got to go downtown. Do you remember when we went to the big air and space museaum and saw the space shuttle? That was a while ago but planes are pretty neat.